Yes, faithful blogger readers...I know, I know...I have now been home for a few days from convention and I know you are fervently searching for all those posts I promised! However, if you will remember in my previous post where I talked about the months of preparations I did for this convention? Well, upon my return - the home and family I also neglected for those few months have now demanded that I actually do some of my 'first job' of taking care of our home, (the size and quantitiy of dust bunnies under my son's bed are going to begin to give him nighmares!) paying attention to them, serving them a meal (that didn't get delievered to the door - come in a paper sack - come in a wrapper or with a side of fries) and actually laundering some of their clothes. (Yea...I know - the nerve, right??) They just don't seem to understand I have returned will all these new toys and ideas bursting at the seams that I am just dying to use?? Sigh...
So while I spend some time satisfying my family's 'selfish needs' here are a few convention highlights to enjoy in the meantime....I promise your patience will be rewarded very soon!
We stayed at the beautiful Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center in D.C.
Here are the posh beds....I got to sleep in but didn't have to make! Oh, and you should have heard the 'evil' little giggle I let out and the delight I felt when I threw my towel on the floor and knew I wasn't the one who was going to have to pick it up!
Here are a couple thousand of my fellow CTMH consultant sisters waiting to go in for the first general session - who all have the same 'addiction' I do!
Here I am visiting with one of my swappin' buddies Lisa Stenz. She claims it's a honor to swap with me....but let me tell you the pleasure is all mine!! I stalk her blog and 'stamplift' from her often!! So go check out her blog...and I assure you that you will now end up surfin' her blog more often than you do mine!
And last, but certianly not least - I was thrilled and delighted to take 3rd place in the Album Contest. (I promise pictures of my album to come soon...I need to have CTMH return my album to me so I can actually take photos of it to post! Let's just say I am a girl who works best in the 11th hour...I didn't quite leave myself enough time to photo it before absolutely haveing to put it in the mail.) Here I am with Tracy Mason, the Grand Prize winner in a picture I stole from her facebook post - sorry for the size! She is also someone who I have admired from afar and was so honored to be able to celebrate our victories with her and her fantastic friends that evening. She is one ridiculously talented lady....and hysterical to boot! I hesitate to even give you the link to her blog....'cause now I will never get you back!

Well, that just about wraps it up for now. I know I have asked this of you before...but hang in there with me folks! Tons of great stuff to be coming your way very soon!
I know what you mean, KET...I've been so busy upon my return that I haven't even picked up the NEW Idea Book since we left DC!!! It was so nice getting to meet you and CONGRATULATIONS on your was truly fabulous!
Pa leeze girl! I am your stalker!
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