Well, after months and months of planning...tons of shopping trips....multiple brainstorming sessions.....and HOURS AND HOURS of invitation making, wedding favor wrapping, centerpiece making and last, but certainly not least....CAKE BAKING and DECORATING....my baby sister's wedding came and went this past weekend in a blink!
Thankfully, there are lots and lots of fabulous photos to let us know all of our hard work and efforts paid off to give her one of the most fabulous weddings I have ever been to....with one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen (Okay, so I am a bit biased!)
Here are some photos from the day....
It was a beautiful outdoor wedding overlooking the golf course at the Tuscany Falls Country Club at Pebble Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Tan with Maid of Honor and Best Man Mr. and Mrs. Rich Strozewski
Here they are cutting into my masterpiece! :) (It only stung for a second!)

Here is a close-up of my lovely 5 tier, fondant covered cake with 33 handmade sugarpaste orchids. One of my biggest labors of love (well, next to my children that is!) I estimate there is probably about 100+ hours that was loveingly put into this cake! Don't think I haven't reminded Katie several times over already how much this cake would have cost her! :)